SRA Covid-19 cyber security warning

Are your incident management plans fit for purpose in the new normal?

SRA warning

On April 9th, the SRA advised that “criminals have taken advantage of concern over the Covid-19 outbreak.”  They noted that “The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has reported a 400 percent increase in coronavirus related fraud reports in March.”and warned that remote working as a result of coronavirus “will present many with new cyber security challenges.” 

Read moreSRA Covid-19 cyber security warning

LEAP software keeps law firms working remotely

Ben Aslet, LEAP UK Marketing Manager, explains how law firms using LEAP’s cloud-based practice management solution are successfully adapting to remote working and how it’s as near as can be business as normal for law firms using LEAP. He said LEAP have talked to several law firms using the software to find out how they are managing with life away from the office.

The current health crisis means that more and more legal professionals are working from home. Many are showing resilience and agility in the face of the lockdown and those firms that are equipped and have remote-friendly software are faring much better than those have not.

Mike Leeman, BLJ Solicitors comments We now have 50 members of staff working seamlessly from home, thanks to LEAP Legal Software UK.”

Read moreLEAP software keeps law firms working remotely

Honorary Secretary’s Report for Winter 2019 Edition of Solo

For those of you who can remember my last report for the 2019 autumn edition I now update you on the fact that we had a successful Special General Meeting to pass a resolution that the Annual General Meeting can take place abroad as long as it enables any members in the United Kingdom to communicate with the AGM through Skype. The constitution has been amended accordingly. This will be put into effect at the Malaga conference in June 2020.

Read moreHonorary Secretary’s Report for Winter 2019 Edition of Solo

Report From Law Society Council Member – LUBNA SHUJA

I attended the Law Society Council meeting, along with Clive Sutton, on 5 December 2019.   Some of the key issues we discussed at the Council meeting are set out below together with an update on current Law Society activities.


Council welcomed Anna Bradley, Chair of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).  She set out the SRA’s draft strategy for 2020-2023 which is out for consultation until 23 January 2020.  The draft strategy has three main objectives – high standards for the SRA and the profession, technology and innovation, and anticipating and responding to change.

Read moreReport From Law Society Council Member – LUBNA SHUJA

Are you considering becoming an SRA-regulated freelance solicitor?

In November, we introduced new rules which allow solicitors to offer services without being part of a wider practice, such as a firm or authorised sole practice.

What services can freelance solicitors offer?

SRA-regulated freelance solicitors can offer both reserved and non-reserved services directly to the public. However, if you want to offer reserved services, such as conveyancing, litigation or probate, you must:

Read moreAre you considering becoming an SRA-regulated freelance solicitor?

Law firms and third-party-managed accounts

Jatinderpal Loyal
Jatinderpal Loyal

More and more law firms are thinking about using a third-party-managed account (TPMA) as an alternative to holding client money, rather than operating their own client account. So what is a TPMA, and why do some law firms see it as an attractive option.

We define a TPMA as an account where a third party (a payment service provider) holds money on behalf of two or more transacting parties. For law firms that means a third party would hold funds for you and your client.

Is a TPMA right for my firm?

Read moreLaw firms and third-party-managed accounts